Join us on the Brazos Valley Bombers Party Deck on June 10th as we kickoff team and sponsor registration for Hog Splash 2021. This year will mark the 10th Annual Hog Splash! We want to celebrate with former and new team captains & sponsors who have supported Hospice Brazos Valley patients and families by making a splash and jumping in the mud to play mud volleyball with their co-workers, friends and family.
Kickoff Party at BV Bombers Party Deck
Thursday, June 10th | 7:05PM
Baseball, Food, Beer & Kid Zone Wristbands
RSVP Required | Limit 3 guests
Can't join us?
Scroll down below for more information or
to register your team today
You don’t have to be the most experienced volleyball player to participate in this event—just a person who doesn’t mind having fun or getting a little dirty to support Hospice Brazos Valley. Each year title sponsor Slovacek's hosts this one-of-a-kind fundraising event that is fun for the whole family. Play, cheer on your friends, grab a bite to eat from a food truck, and stay cool with a frosty drink cold at the beverage tent. Bring a towel, sunscreen, & a lawn chair and get ready to make muddy memories! Spectators and children free to attend. We love hosting this fun event for members of the Bryan, College Station, Snook, Caldwell, Brenham, Navasota, Somerville, and surrounding communities!
It's a PIG deal!
The 10th Annual Hog Splash is taking place on
Saturday, August 26, 2023.
Gather a team of 8 - 10 friends, co-workers or
family and join us as we celebrate a
DECADE IN THE MUD, having a swine time playing volleyball and raising funds for
Hospice Brazos Valley patients and families!
Spectators are free. Bring a lawn chair and watch everyone make a splash!
Follow the Facebook Event Page and be the first to
know about PIG announcements!
Questions? Email hogsplash@hospicebrazosvalley.org